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you want a full location - our users want to discover new great places 🤝


SUNDAY 12:00

do you run a cute cafe?

invite more people in

get more exposure and happy visitors ✨for free✨ (yes, really).
just talk to us about our partner program and we'll promote your special baesh offer

we look forward to hearing from you!
thanks! 🎉

get more exposure & host more guests

baesh users do things together - why not welcome them to your location?

offer cool promotions and deals, get more reach on socials, and more visitors to your locale, whether it's a cafe, restaurant, bar, etc. participate in the baesh partner program! 🤝

what is baesh? - organic growth together with a community

grow organically without advertising on baesh. get in touch with us to get ideas for your promotion if you run a pop-up store, restaurant, bar, café, or any other establishment where our users can have a great time together!

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